therapy for you.
heal your patterns to
transform your relationships
discover your purpose &
craft a meaningful career
practice presence, self-compassion & find peace within
connect with your authentic self.
find your centre in anxiety and uncertainty
navigate the transitions of life with ease
the therapist.
Hey! I'm Moushmi.
With me, I hope you find a compassionate, present, and hopeful companion on your journey towards building a more connected and meaningful life.
As a counselling psychologist, I find great joy (and have experience) in working with adults on creating their lives with more intention, navigating their relationships and work-life with ease and evolving their relationship with themselves to make it kind, respectful, and compassionate.
Our therapy will be informed by Internal Family Systems (aka. Parts-work), so I hope you bring in all of you -- the parts of you that have been afraid and tried to protect you, and the parts that may be stuck with painful emotions like loneliness, worthlessness, or shame.
Sessions with Moushmi have changed my hesitation about therapy so drastically because of how open and exceedingly compassionate she is. So gentle but not afraid to call me out when she feels I am wrong. We go from intense, heartbreaking conversation to such hilarious times that each session with her feels like a deep exchange.
JG, woman in her mid-20s.
in therapy with us, experience
companion for your self-exploration
a safe space for all parts of you
guide & accountability for your growth
compassionate, accepting, gentle
led by our intuition, experimental, soft
the therapeutic space is for you -- to be chaotic, flawed and human.
To be authentic, fearless, and mindful.
She creates a safe space where the sessions truly revolve around me and my experience, and reflects my words back solely from my perspective, making me so feel heard and seen. She also seems to know precisely when to step in and offer her insights or reframe on a situation.
GS, woman in her early-20s.
...I have felt understood and heard like never before. [Moushmi] has this uncanny ability of picking up how I'm feeling based on only few words and gestures. When she reflects them back to me, I've always felt so validated and seen. It has moved me to tears a lot of the time.
VR, woman in her early 20s.
Best Value
a beginning.
four sessions of therapy for you.
Valid for 12 months
Best Value
6 sessions of therapy to gather momentum in your healing and growth.
Valid for 12 months
Best Value
8 therapy sessions to commit yourself to your healing, growth, and becoming your highest self.
Valid for 12 months
or, choose a pricing plan (package)
make a commitment to your healing?